ly used or provided in the parꢀcular version of the Soꢁware you install and use. To the extent so indi-
cated by a Third Party License referenced in such NOTICES file, the Third Party Soꢁware corresponding
to such Third Party License, is licensed directly to you by its respecꢀve licensors, not sublicensed to
you by Spectral, and is subject to its respecꢀve Third Party License, not to this Agreement. If, and to
the extent, a Third Party License detailed in the NOTICES file requires that this Agreement effecꢀvely
provide, impose, or incorporate by reference, certain disclaimers, permissions, provisions, prohibi-
ons, restricꢀons or other terms then such shall be deemed to be imposed, or incorporated by refer-
ence into this Agreement, as required, and shall supersede any conflicꢀng provision of this Agreement,
solely with respect to the corresponding Third Party Soꢁware which is governed by such Third Party
License. If, and to the extent, a Third Party License detailed in the NOTICES file requires that the source
code of its corresponding Third Party Soꢁware be made available to you, and such source code was
not delivered to you with the Soꢁware, then Spectral hereby extends a wriꢂen offer, valid for the peri-
od prescribed in such Third Party License, to obtain a copy of the source code of the corresponding
Third Party Soꢁware, from Spectral. To take up this offer, contact Spectral at the email address:
License and Soꢁware restricꢀons and limitaꢀons.
.1. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, you may not, and may not allow oth-
ers to: (i) sub-license, make available, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, display, host,
outsource, disclose, convey or otherwise provide the Soꢁware or any part thereof, to any third
party; (ii) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Soꢁware, or any part thereof, except
to the extent that such acꢀviꢀes may be your right as guaranteed by applicable law or as ex-
pressly sꢀpulated by a Third Party License (and then – only to the extent, scope and purpose so
guaranteed or sꢀpulated, and subject to all terms and condiꢀons of such applicable law or Third
Party License); (iii) modify, adapt, translate, divide, part or revise the Soꢁware, or any part
thereof, or otherwise use parts, porꢀons or elements of the Soꢁware, or create derivaꢀve works
based on the Soꢁware, or any part thereof; (iv) breach any security or licensing mechanism of
the Soꢁware or any part thereof, or idenꢀfy or aꢂempt to idenꢀfy any security vulnerabiliꢀes
therein; (v) work around or circumvent any technical limitaꢀons in the Soꢁware; or (vi) use any
tool or other means to enable features or funcꢀonaliꢀes that are otherwise disabled, inaccessi-
ble or undocumented in the Soꢁware.
.2. Spectral reserves the right to monitor your use of the Soꢁware, and block your access to and
use of the Soꢁware if it have reason to believe that you violated any of the use restricꢀons spec-
ified in this Secꢀon 4 or in Secꢀons 2 above.
User obligaꢀons; compliance with laws.
.1. You are solely responsible for all costs, expenses, losses and liabiliꢀes incurred and for all acꢀvi-
es you undertake, in connecꢀon with your use of the Soꢁware.
.2. You undertake that your use of the Soꢁware shall, at all ꢀme, comply with all applicable laws,
rules and regulaꢀons, including export control laws. You may not use the Soꢁware for any acꢀv-
ity that consꢀtutes, or encourages conduct that would consꢀtute, a criminal offense, give rise to
civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law.
Intellectual property. The Soꢁware is licensed, not sold, to you. Except for the limited license and
rights granted to you pursuant to secꢀon 2 above, this Agreement does not grant you or assign to you,
any other license, right, ꢀtle, or interest in or to the Soꢁware. All rights, ꢀtle and interest, including
copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, and
any goodwill associated therewith, in and to the Soꢁware, including computer code, graphic design,
layout and the user interfaces of the Soꢁware, are and will remain at all ꢀmes, owned by, or licensed,
to Spectral.
You acknowledge that the Soꢁware consꢀtutes valuable proprietary confidenꢀal informaꢀon of Spec-
tral and its licensors, and except as explicitly otherwise provided in this Agreement, you may not dis-
close such to any third party, without Spectral’ prior wriꢂen consent. You further agree to protect
Spectral' confidenꢀal informaꢀon by using the same degree of care, but in no case less than a reason-
able degree of care, that you use to prevent the unauthorized disseminaꢀon or publicaꢀon of your
own highly confidenꢀal informaꢀon.
Term and terminaꢀon